Grackles roosting and taking flight near HEB

1. Do you want the newsletters to be delivered a full week before the meeting? If so, can you volunteer to help produce and deliver the newsletter?
Q1: Yes: 9; No: 6
Q2: Yes: 4; No: 3

2. Would you like to see a detailed meeting summary for both the DNA and the DNPCT on the website and listserve within 72 hours of the meeting? If so, can you volunteer to help create the summary?
Q1: Yes: 9; No: 8
Q2: Yes: 4 No: 0

3. Would you like to see a copy of the draft meeting agenda for both the DNA and the DNPCT on neighborhood website, updated at least daily? If so, can you help keep the agenda updated?
Q1: Yes: 7; No: 8
Q: 2: Yes: 3; No. 0

4. Would you like to see non-commercial social events in the newsletter? If so, are you willing to help find sponsors to pay for more pages in the newsletter?
Q 1: Yes: 10; No: 7
Q1: 3; No: 1

5. Do you want to formally adopt as the official neighborhood association website?
Yes: 11
No: 4

6. Do you want to establish a committee to manage the publications and housekeeping of the official website? Are you interesting in serving on that committee?
Q1: Yes: 14 No: 1
Q2: Yes: 4; No: 3

7. Are there other changes you would like to see in the DNA and the DNPCT? Please remember that we have no dues and therefore no money beyond donations.
Yes: 6
No: 5


There are four groups:
1. Those who want a few changes and are willing to help; this group included folks willing to deliver or sponsor the newsletters. This was 3 people, all of whom shared contact information.
2. Two people who want to change everything, are willing to help and included contact info.
3. People who want changes but aren’t willing to help. Most of these surveys had one or two word answers on most questions and maybe a comment on one or two questions. A few offered to help but gave no (or insufficient) contact information. This group included 6 surveys.
4. The largest group is the people who are happy with the way things are; this is 10 surveys. A few of these folks gave contact info, too.